Hadolt Logistics promises daily delivery everywhere in Europe. No matter if on the road, on the water, on trail or in the air they will find the best and fastest way. This goal inspired me in developing the logo concept. Every way has a different perspective, a different angle which forms unique triangles. The Hadolt-lettering - which is aligned on a container-raster - includes this triangle, which is also the basis for the visual concept created by my colleague. It allows to combining Hadolt with its two partner companies I-Log and Global Express in one adaptable RGB-visualization.
On the road again

Brand Design for "Hadolt Transport & Logistik GmbH"
Agency: RNPD . My Tasks: Brand Design
Credits: Hadolt produced the design with its in-house graphic department. That is why I used mock-ups to show the concept and design properly: photos from Unsplash (ciel-cheng, clem-onojeghuo, david-oakill, felix-russell, gleb-kozenko, guillaume-bolduc, joshua-sazon, luke-stackpoole, mandy-choi, nigel-tadyanehondo), 4ever.eu and Pexels (Adi Romulo, Pixabay)